Check Out The Cheapest Life Insurance Of September 2023

There is not a specific time or season to acquire an insurance policy. It just depends on your conviction and your willingness to buy one and if your are ever ready to acquire an insurance policy, please note that term life insurance poses to be the cheapest of them all. Now the big question here is not whether or not term life insurance is a cheap the question is which insurance company has the best options.

For the purpose of this blog post, I have analyzed the top 20 insurance companies and their term life insurance rates to sort the cheapest of them all out.


What Is the Cheapest Type of Life Insurance?

Because term life insurance is the cheapest kind of insurance policy, we have decided to give it a little more attention so as to keep our readers informed on what options to conaider when acquiring an insurance plan.

At the end of every term period, there is always room for one to renew the policy at a higher premium each year. However, please note that the renewal rates isrelatively more expensive than the actual plan rate and it get even more expensive after each renewal you make. Here is a sad way where age talks. 

Our expert advise though is to buy the right policy length on signup so you would not be bothered or rather won’t have to pay a lot of money anytime you plan to renew your insurance policy.


Cheapest Life Insurance Plans by Age and Gender

It is no longer news that age, gender and other similar factors play a major roll when it comes to insurance. Here i have curated a list of the best and cheapest plans by age and gender and heis our top pick.


Cheapest Life Insurance for Adults Age 50 Above

Research has shown that the average cost for a 10-year term life policy for a 70-year-old lady is said to be worth around $2,650 a year for a $500,000 policy and $4,856 a year for a $1 million policy.

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However the same policy for a man age 70, a 10-year term life policy averagely costs about $3,974 a year for a $500,000 policy and $7,581 a year for a $1 million policy.

When it comes to life insurance, the older you get the cheapest life insurance policies can change. However we have analyzed the cheapest life insurance companies for seniors to help you make the right choices.


Affordable Life Insurance Options for Kids

Typically, life insurance plans for children come in the form of whole life insurance that remains valid for the child’s lifetime, as long as premium payments are maintained. These premiums generally stay the same and part of them accrues as cash value. In this, cash value can be accessed for any use while the child is alive.


Child Rider on Parent’s Term Life Policy

While a standalone term life insurance policy can’t be purchased for a child, parents can add a child rider to their own term policy. This additional coverage stays in effect until the child reaches a specific age, at which point it can often be transitioned into a permanent policy.

Most Affordable Life Insurance for Smokers

Getting life insurance as a smoker can be costly compared to non-smokers because of associated health risks. Insurance providers look at life expectancy factors, including smoking, when setting rates.

Average Cost of Life Insurance

According to analysis by Forbes Advisor, the average monthly premium for a 20-year, $250,000 term life insurance policy is $13 for 30-year-old males and $12 for females of the same age.

Factors Influencing Life Insurance Costs

A lot of factors can affect your life insurance premium. However we have listed a couple of them and  they include your age, health status, gender, and lifestyle, among others. 

Calculating Your Life Insurance Needs

The amount of life insurance needed should be calculated based on your financial responsibilities minus your existing assets. This might include things like income replacement, mortgage payments, and future educational expenses for your kids.

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Tips for More Affordable Coverage

1. Opt for Term Life Insurance: Term policies are generally cheaper and can provide coverage when it’s most needed.

2. Purchase Early: Rates are cheaper the younger and healthier you are.

3. Utilize Laddering Strategy: Buy multiple smaller policies with varying term lengths to save money over time.

4. Skip Unneeded Riders: Extra features can inflate your premiums.

5. Avoid Guaranteed Issue if You Can: These policies are pricier because they lack health screening.

6. Comparison Shop: Rates can vary among providers, so it’s beneficial to shop around.

7. Lower Death Benefit If Necessary: If premiums are too high, consider reducing the coverage amount.

8. Boost Your Health: Improving your health can also lead to cheaper premiums.

Group Life Insurance

Group policies are often provided through employers and can be a low-cost or even free option. However, these plans typically end when you leave your job and usually offer lower death benefits.

Pros and Cons of Group Life Insurance


– Easy to enroll through work

Usually no medical screening for basic plans

– Often free or low cost


– Tied employment

– Low coverage amounts

– Lacks cash value

Our Research Method

We studied 24 different companies that offer term life insurance, focusing solely on pricing. And We also looked at premiums for individuals from all age groups, covering a range of policy amounts and term lengths.

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